
You can easily install Geofront server using pip:

$ pip install Geofront

Running server

Geofront server requires a configuration file. Configuration file is a typical Python script. The server is sensitive to the values of some uppercase variables like TEAM, KEY_STORE, and MASTER_KEY_BITS. The filename of the configuration is not important, but recommend to use suffix. You also can find an example configuration in the Geofront repository:

See also

The reference manual for Geofront server configuration.

If a configuration file is ready you can run the server right now. Suppose the configuration file is

geofront-server command provides several options like --host, and requires a configuration filename as its argument.

$ geofront-server -p 8080

It might be terminated with the following error message:

$ geofront-server -p 8080
usage: geofront-server [...] FILE
geofront-server: error: no master key;
try --create-master-key option if you want to create one

It means MASTER_KEY_STORE you configured has no master key yet. --create-master-key option creates a new master key if there’s no master key yet, and then stores it into the configured MASTER_KEY_STORE.

$ geofront-server -p 8080 --create-master-key
no master key;  create one...
created new master key: 2b:d5:64:fd:27:f9:7a:6a:12:7d:88:76:a7:54:bd:6a
serving on

If it successfully starts serving it will show you the bound host and port.

Reverse proxy

Application servers typically run behind the reverse proxy like Nginx. Here’s an example configuration for Geofront server behind Nginx reverse proxy:

# Redirect all HTTP requests to HTTPS.
# We highly recommend to expose Geofront server only through HTTPS.
server {
  listen 80;
  rewrite ^(.*)$$1;

# Forward all requests to to internal
server {
  listen 443 ssl;
  access_log  /var/log/nginx/geofront/access.log;
  error_log /var/log/nginx/geofront/error.log;

  ssl on;
  ssl_certificate /path/to/ssl_cert_chain.pem;
  ssl_certificate_key /path/to/ssl_cert.pem;

  # HSTS:
  add_header Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=31536000";

  location / {
      proxy_set_header Host $host;
      proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
      proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;

Using geofront-cli

Every team member who want to use Geofront has to install a client for Geofront. geofront-cli is the reference implementation of Geofront client. It can be installed using pip:

$ pip install geofront-cli

To setup what Geofront server to use use geofront-cli start command. It will show a prompt:

$ geofront-cli start
Geofront server URL:

Type the server URL, and then it will open an authentication page in your default web browser:

$ geofront-cli start
Geofront server URL:
Continue to authenticate in your web browser...
Press return to continue

That’s done. Setup process is only required at first. You can show the list of available remotes using geofront-cli remotes:

$ geofront-cli remotes

For more details on geofront-cli, read the manual of its README.rst, or use geofront-cli --help option.

Remote colonization

Until a remote server authorizes the master key you can’t access to the remote using geofront-cli. So the master key needs to be added to remote’s authorized_keys list. Geofront calls it colonization. You can colonize a remote using geofront-cli colonize command. Surely the following command has to be run by who can access to it:

$ geofront-cli remotes
$ geofront-cli colonize web-1

You can understand geofront-cli colonize is ssh-copy-id for Geofront. Once colonized remote is accessible by every team member unless you configured more fine-grained ACL. (See also PERMISSION_POLICY if you’re interested in ACL.)

SSH through Geofront

If a remote is once colonized any team member can ssh to it through Geofront. Use geofront-cli ssh command:

$ geofront-cli ssh web-1
Last login: Sat May  3 16:32:15 2014 from hong-minhees-macbook-pro.local